Welcome to Week 3!

This week, we will be introducing you to the ‘Science of Needs,’ our globally unique scientific framework to address the contributing factors for happiness in our city. All programs and projects under the Happiness Agenda are designed to address these needs in our residents and visitors.

This week we will also ask you to begin gathering a list of activities that your are already working on in your entity that promote the happiness of your employees and customers. Some might be obvious — others might come as a surprise!

Your task this week

Programs discovery

Identify existing happiness-related programs and projects at your entity. Gather a list of programs or projects in your entity that are creating happiness for customers and employees. Let the Science of Needs open your conceptions of what a happiness project could be, beyond the marketing buzz.

Your readings this week

The Science of Needs

A short overview of the four ‘needs’ that the Happiness Agenda addresses: Affective, Basic, Cognitive and Deeper. These needs are strongly rooted in a rich academic tradition of the psychology of happiness, but we will try to avoid overly academic language. If you want to dig deeper, let us know: we are happy to point you to the source material.

Week 3 Discussion Questions

  1. What are the projects (programs or services) at your work that make you most fulfilled personally?
  2. At a minimum, what do we need to provide our customers to make them happy?
  3. What projects (programs or services) bring the most delight to your customers?

Timeline Reminder

July 24th — Introductions & Overview: no assignments

July 31st — Happiness Meter: Conduct Happiness Meter Case study

Aug 7th — Science of Needs: Programs & projects discovery

Aug 14th — Happiness Maturity Model: Complete Happiness Maturity Model

Aug 21st — Happiness Agenda Programs & Projects: Programs & projects alignment

Sept 1st — Workshop 1