Welcome to Week 5!

This week, we will be sharing with you the full program and projects catalogue within the four Happiness Agenda portfolios.

This week, you will be tasked with indicating which programs and projects your entity will be able to own or contribute to. Coordinating programs and projects between all Happiness Partners, we will be able to deliver the greatest possible impact from the Happiness Agenda. You will also have the opportunity to propose new program and projectsthat your entity could contribute to any of the four Happiness Agenda portfolios. 

Week 5 Task

Roadmap Alignment

Identify programs or projects under the Happiness Agenda for your entity to ‘own’: Using the Program and Projects catalogue as your guide, identify projects that your entity would be able to own or contribute to. You can also recommend new programs or projects to add to the Happiness Agenda roadmap.

Week 5 Reading

Happiness Agenda Programs and Projects

A detailed catalogue of all 84 programs and projects already identified within the Happiness Agenda.



Week 5 Discussion Questions

  1. What has surprised you most about your experience so far?
  2. What does the future for happiness in Dubai look like?
  3. How has you vision for the future changed in recent weeks?

Timeline Reminder

July 24th — Introductions & Overview: no assignments

July 31st — Happiness Meter: Conduct Happiness Meter Case study

Aug 7th — Science of Needs: Programs & projects discovery

Aug 14th — Happiness Maturity Model: Complete Happiness Maturity Model

Aug 21st — Happiness Agenda Programs & Projects: Programs & projects alignment

Sept 1st — Workshop 1